- The world of the Werewolves Apocalypse is a dark
one. Since the earliest days, the Garou had protected Gaia. Gaia is more than
mother Earth, she is a spring of wild natural energy. She is a conscious
spirit with a will and the Garou are her strongest defense mechanism. But the
time of the end is here. The final battle is upon them, and it may be too
late. Petty rivalries that were a luxury when the Wyld was strong may be too
deep to heal. The Garou not only disdain the the other shape-shifters, but
have strong divisions in their own ranks. Centuries of pride cannot be easily
undone, and the rage that fuels the strength of the Garou is being formed into
the knife that destroys them. The hand of corruption that in times past could
be kept at bay now has new weapons, and the werewolves are getting smaller in
number. The time of the Apocalypse is upon them, and only the wisest among
them know it.
- The Litany
- The Laws of the Garou
- Garou shall not mate with Garou
- Combat the Wyrm wherever it is found and
wherever it breeds
- Respect the territory of another
- Accept an honorable surrender
- Submission to those above you in station
- Ye shall show respect for those below you
station - all are of Gaia
- The Veil shall not be lifted
- Do not suffer thy people to tend thy sickness in
- Ye shall not consume human flesh
- The leader may be challenged at any time in
- The leader shall not be challenged at any time
of war
- Ye shall take no action that causes the cairn to
be violated
- Storyteller - Sanguis de Lupus
- errata
- revisied errata
- shapeshifter stats
- 1: Choose Auspice, Breed, Tribe, Concept,
Nature, and Demeanor.
- 2. Prioritize & select Traits at
- 3: Prioritize & select Abilities at (13/9/5)
(Max Trait 3 at this point)
- 4: Select Advantages:
- Backgrounds (5, restricted by Tribe)
- Gifts (1 each from Breed, Auspice and
- Renown (by Auspice)
- 5. Finishing Touches:
- Rage by Auspice
- Gnosis by Breed
- Willpower by Tribe
- Spend 15 Freebie points.
Trait |
Freebie Cost |
Experience Cost |
Attributes |
5 per dot |
rating x 4 |
Abilities |
2 per dot |
rating x 2 |
New Ability |
3 |
Backgrounds |
1 per dot |
Gifts |
7 each (level 1 only) |
level x 3 |
Gift from other
breed/tribe/auspice |
level x 5 |
Rage |
1 per dot |
current rating |
Gnosis |
2 per dot |
current rating x 2 |
Willpower |
1 per dot |
current rating |
- Breeds
- Garou have different breeds that are determined
by the breed of the mother. Breed form plays a large roll in the early life of
a cub, as they are left to grow with their family or pack until the time of
the first change. At such time, they are introduced to the real world as the
Garou see it, and taught the customs and history of their heritage.
- Lupus
- Lupus are the Garou that are born of wolf stock.
As wolf numbers decrease, so does the population of Lupus Garou. Those of this
breed are closer to Gaia, but they have a harder time dealing with the modern
world. Many Lupine Garou look down upon those that are human born because
humans have caused the loss of their hunting grounds and kinfolk.
- Homid
- Werewolves born to humans are the most common of
all Garou. They relate better with people, cities, technology, and abstract
ideas. They are not strong as Lupine Garou, and it is easy to forget that they
must have a balance between their wolf and man natures. Many Homid Garou see
their Lupine relatives as backwards country folk. Some even believe that they
are the next step of evolution and the Lupine Garou are outdated.
- Metis
- One of the strongest laws prohibits mating
between Garou. The recessive genes produce a sterile, deformed child that can
change forms to Crinos from birth, and can often enter the Umbra before
learning to walk. In times distant past, such young were put to death. In
modern times, Gaia needs as many warriors as she can find and the offspring of
such a union are allowed to live if they are viable. They are commonly put
down. They are a constant reminder of the shameful act that they had nothing
to do with.
- Auspices
- Garou can change forms at any time they wish,
not just during full moons. The moon plays a much bigger part in the life of a
Garou than that. The moon that a Garou was born under influences their whole
outlook on life. The moon is more than just a Garou Zodiac, it is a source of
power. The more full your birth moon, the more rage you have.
- Ragabash, No Moon
- These are the lightest in spirit of all the
Garou. They have a much better sense of humor, and use it often to teach
others. Many times this humor has a dark side, and the most successful of them
know just how far is too far.
- Theurge, Crescent Moon
- These are the shamans and the mystics of the
Garou. They deal with the arcane and the spirits. They perform many of the
rituals and are consulted by leaders for their knowledge.
- Philodox, Half Moon
- Perhaps the wisest of the auspices to be born
under, the Philodox are seen as the judges, lore keepers, and moderators. They
make sure that the Garou laws, known as the Litany, is kept. When the litany
is violated, they quickly and may times brutally enforce justice. Unlike human
justice, Garou justice is swift and severe.
- Galliard, Gibbous Moon
- Galliards are much like the warrior bards of the
British Isles. They are the story tellers, teachers, singers and moon dancers.
They play hard and fight hard.
- Ahroun, Full Moon
- Like the brightest moon, Ahrouns are the shining
example of what the Garou can be... glorious warriors defending Gaia. But they
have a tendency to do what most really bright shiny things do, burn out in
that blaze of glory. Ahrouns are the toughest fighters, cunning hunters,
fierce combatants, but lack in many of the social skills that make one want to
be around them very long. Usually, the Philodox of the Garou have to prevent
the Ahrouns from killing the Ragabash.
- Tribes
- >BlackFuries
- Originally from Greece, this all female tribe
are renowned for their ferocity and severe codes of honour. They are the
defenders of the Wyld, punishers of men, daughters of the great Artemis. They
keep the secrets of Mother and Woman sacred, and any male child is given to a
trusted one for care (uaually the Children of Gaia). Only a few metis males
remain within the tribe. They have a natural hatred for mindless destruction,
a fact which has caused severe friction between themselves and the Get of
Fenris. In Gaia's name they Rage against any wrongdoings to women or mother
Earth herself.
- Bonegnawers
- The street dwellers, the scavengers, the
despised, filthy disgusting; well then hold on a moment, while the other
tribes have been slain and depleted, the Bone Gnawers numbers have flourished,
the most numerous of the tribes. The secret keepers, trail finders, survivors.
They have an intimate bond with the cities, more so than the Glasswalkers -
they run the cities, whereas the Bone Gnawers ARE the cities. They revel in
their freedom and care little for physical possesions, quick witted and street
smart, the Bone Gnawer should never be underestimated.
- Children of Gaia
- Life loving and Life Serving, these are the
Peacemakers, they are the ones who lifted the Impergium. Even the war loving
tribes give these children the respect they deserve (if a little grudgingly).
They see death and destruction and all forms of violence as wyrm serving,
although when they do rage you don't want to be in their way.
- Fianna
- The most passionate of the Tribes, Celtic in
origin - originally from Ireland and the British Isles -"May you have warm
words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, and a smooth road all
the way to your door." -- Irish toast. This tribe come from a varied
background and seem to have less 'inhibitions' than any of the other tribes.
Music, stories and song are all part of their way of life, living and loving,
laughing to the last these intense beings can turn serious without hesitstion
and their judges and warriors are feared worldwide. They fight hard, play
hard, and party hard.
- Get of Fenris
- The sight of a raging Garou drenched form head
to toe in his enemies blood is not a pretty one but is common among this
tribe. if ever there were a no nonsense group of Garou, it's these guys. Don't
upset them. Usually dieing in bloody violent means, often using themselves as
a last resort, these are the ones that never back down. Cowardice is unknown
among them; they are constantly tested and pushed through out their lives.
They consider themselves superioir and take advantage and power with force
wherever they see fit. Victory is all that matters to a Get, and only the
strongest deserve to win.
- They have taken the uprising of man and embraced
it. Living at home within the cities they relish technology. They do not see
their advancement and acceptance of this as corruption, merely, a further step
in the ongoing battle. They use the wyrms own toys against it, but to use them
one has to know them.
- Red Talons
- The keepers of the wild places, mostly formed of
Lupus Garou, the Talond despise anything to do with man or his machines seeing
them as bringing only destruction to natures realm. their numbers in the wild
are steadily diminishing, and their own hatred may push them to the
- Shadow Lords
- Very sneaky, watch your back. They have plans
for dominating the tribes, fro overturning the Silver Fangs and taking
control, and nothing is going to dissuade them. Not to be trusted
- Silent Striders
- Driven out of Egypt a long time ago, these
wanderers are the holders of the forbidden, descendants of the prophets. They
read long forgotten languages, and signs as we would read a book. They see
omens and portents more clearly than any other and are quite often advisors.
They are the carriers of the soul beyond death.
- Silver Fangs
- The proud leaders... well, maybe... they think
their noble (if inbred) bloodline gives them rights and privelages over all
others. Very fierce, they tell you, you do! They tolerate little
- Stargazers
- Quiet and comtemplative, the holders and seekers
of mysteries, also the smallest of the tribes. Their Inner calm and mysticism
has often been a point for ridicule, but be careful they are also the
inventors and masters of the Garou martial art Kalindo. A non-agressive form,
using simple gestures to their chakra to completely devastate their
- Uketena
- These guys are the magicians....they guard
fiercly all understanding of things magical. Protectors of the weak and
talkers to spirits, they communicate with them more easily than any other
tribe. Like the Wendigo they are Native American origin, and both tribes
fiercly resent the 'white man' as a form of destruction.
- Wendigo
- A pure, inintegrated race. Fierce protectors of
the land. They tolerate only the Uketena (barely) and do not get along well
with any of the other tribes.
- The Lost Tribes
- Once the Garou's numbers were far greater, but
the Wyrm's genocide has taken its toll. Entire tribes of werewolves have been
wiped out through the Wyrm's machinations. The litany of the dead is long, but
three lost tribes stand out among the others.
- White Howlers
- Garou bards sing dirges lamenting the loss of
the White Howlers. Once the guardians of the north, the White Howlers walked
into a Wyrm pit to slay the horrors therein. When they emerged, they
themselves had become horrors: twisted mutants calling themselves Black Spiral
Dancers. The White Howlers are rarely spoken of, lest their curse be called
upon the other Garou's heads.
- Croatan
- Garou bards sing epics celebrating the valor of
the Croatan. This tribe was once the proud guardian of North America's shores.
It gave its collective life the banish the Wyrm beast known as Eater-of-Souls,
which had travelled to the New World with the Ronaoke colonists. Only the
carvings on a gnarled tree memorialize the Croatan's valiant deeds, but the
Garou remember.
No song is sung for the Bunyip, for the Garou are
too ashamed. In many ways, the fate of the Bunyip is the most tragic of the lost
tribes. The Bunyip were not slain by the machinations of the Wyrm, but by their
own brethen. European Garou and Kinfolk, desprate for a new land far from the
Wyrm, invade the Bunyip's homeland. Over the next few centuries, the Bunyip and
their flock, the Tasmanian wolves, were hunted to extinction.
