Revisied Errata
-Attributes and Abilities take the same distribution. However, replace the Skill of Repair with Crafts.
-All Garou or other Changing Breeds receive 5 Background points, not a variable number.
-Breed, tribe, and auspice determine Gnosis, Willpower and Rage as usual. Starting Gifts and freebie points rules remain unchanged.
-The Fianna Gift: Howl of the Banshee requires a Charisma + Intimidation roll, difficulty 6.
-Be aware that although ones still subtract successes under Revised dice-rolling rules, you botch only if none of the dice show successes before you take ones into account.
-The new initiative system of rolling one die and adding it to the initiative rating [Dexterity + Wits] needs little explanation. Wound penalties do indeed subtract from the initiative rating, unless the Garou is in a frenzy.
-In Vampire Revised, additional successes on attack rolls translate into additional dice on damage dice pools. When dealing with Garou and the already high numbers of damage they deal out, this makes combat even more bloody and lethal. Revised damage dice pools (for hand-to-hand weapons and attacks) are somewhat reduced; a claw attack causes Strength +1 damage, a klaive Strength +1, and a Grand Klaive Strength +2. (The revised melee weapons table from Vampire Revised, pg. 214 should be used.)
-Werewolves may soak bashing, lethal or aggravated damage with their Stamina (save for wounds caused by silver). Garou regenerate bashing or lethal wounds at the rate of one health level per turn; as usual, they must make a Stamina roll at difficulty 8 to regenerate this damage in combat.
It's recommended that in Werewolf games, mortals be permitted to soak bashing damage as usual and lethal damage at difficulty 8. This makes them not quite so terribly fragile, yet reaffirms the terrible lethality of werewolf talons and fangs (which inflict aggravated damage).
-If a werewolf is reduced below Incapacitated by wounds, or knocked out by some other reason, he or she doesn't immediately revert to breed form. The werewolf remains in whatever form he fell in for a number of turns equal to his Primal-Urge. This gives him the opportunity to make a Rage roll to stay alive, if necessary. Furthermore, the character may make a Wits + Primal-Urge roll, difficulty 8, to remain in his present form while unconscious until healed or killed.